David Bearman,  M.D.

Drug Abuse Treatment and Prevention, Grant Writing,

Medi-Cal, Managed Care, Medical Quality





Dr. Bearman received his M.D. from the University of Washington School of Medicine.  He graduated with honors from the University of Wisconsin with an undergraduate degree in Psychology.  He was the Director of Medical Services for the Santa Barbara Regional Health Authority (SBRHA) since its inception in 1983 through June 1997, and was then promoted to Senior Health Care Advisor/Grants Development Director.  In 1999 as a result of Dr. Bearman's efforts, the California Healthcare Foundation allocated ten (10) million dollars to several health entities located in Santa Barbara County for a county-wide medical data exchange system.  SBRHA is the oldest County Organized Health System (COHS) in California and the U.S.


As Medical Director for SBRHA's first 14 years he developed and implemented Quality Assurance (QA) Utilization Review (UR) system and on-site review; created Peer Review and Quality Improvement Committee and developed Targeted Case Management Program.  Dr. Bearman's responsibility as Medical Director included quality related activities such as addressing grievances, analyzing data, developing quality based distribution criteria, addressing facility related audits, and supervising regular QI studies.


He has a long and illustrative background in the field of drug abuse treatment and prevention, been prominent in the community clinic movement having started in Seattle the 3rd Free Clinic in the Country, directed the Haight Ashbury Drug Treatment Program, and founded the Isla Vista Medical Clinic in 1970.  He has been Medical Director of Santa Barbara County Methadone Maintenance Clinic and Ventura County Opiate Detox Program, taught courses on substance abuse at UCSF, UCSB, and SDSU, been a consultant to Hoffman LaRoche, NIDA and the National PTA, directed several conferences, delivered numerous professional talks, consulted widely, and been an expert witness in over 100 civil, criminal, and family court cases and currently is Medical Consultant to Zona Seca.


Previously, he was Director and Health Officer of the Sutter County Health Department, Director of Student Health at San Diego State University, Director/Administrator/Founder of the Isla Vista Medical Clinic, and a Medical Officer in USPHS.  At the USPHS he worked with the Model Cities Program to help develop several innovative health delivery systems including a comparison study of the cost of fee for service and managed care in Seattle in the early 1970's.


Dr. Bearman is the author of numerous articles on Medicaid managed care, drug abuse treatment and prevention, and human sexuality.  He has published in the Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, The Harvard Business Review, The New Physician and The Journal of Social Issues.  He has consulted with a variety of providers on managed care and has given numerous presentations on the topic at such conferences as California Children's Services, National Managed Health Care Congress, Alameda Health Consortium, Health Care Association of Southern California, Fresno Medical Group, EPA/MCH Consortium, and San Diego Health Access Group.


He is also active in local politics, having been elected to the Goleta Water Board and several times elected to the Goleta West Sanitary District.  His civic service includes serving on the Board of Advisors Santa Barbara Red Cross, Board Santa Barbara Diabetes Association, Board of Isla Vista Health Projects and served on Santa Barbara Long-Term Care Task Force and West Santa Barbara Health Task Force.

David Bearman, M.D.




Summary of Dr. David Bearman’s experience as a Public Health Official and Community Volunteer:


ADMINISTRATIVE POSITIONS:  Zona Seca Medical Director 2001-June 2006, currently Medical Consultant; Santa Barbara Regional Health Authority, Senior Health Care Advisor and Grants Development, 199-2001, and Medical Director and Director of Medical Services Department 1983-1997.  Sutter County Health Department, Director and Health Officer, 1982-1983; San Diego State University, Director of Health Services, 1974-1982; Isla Vista Medical Clinic, Director/Administrator/Founder 1970-1974; the United States Public Health Service, Medical Officer 1967-1970.


ELECTED OFFICES HELD:  Director, Goleta West Sanitary District, 1985-1990, 1995-present; Director, Goleta Water District, 1989-1993; Representative, Isla Vista Community Council, 1971-1973.


BOARDS AND COMMITTEES:  California health Insurance Organization, Medical Director Committee; Medical of Governor Reagan’s California Interagency Task Force on Drug Abuse, Secretary Cal State University Medical Director Association (1974-1982), Member Nominating Committee ACHA 1980 & 1981; Member California State Universities Alcohol Advisory Committee; Board Member Isla Vista Health Projects, Board Member National Free Clinic Council, Board Member Northeast Mental Health Center in San Francisco, Member of Santa Barbara Chapter American Red Cross, Advisory Committee; Santa Barbara County Chapter of American Diabetes Association, Board Member; Santa Barbara County Drug Abuse Advisory Committee, Santa Barbara County Drug Abuse Master Plan Committee, Santa Barbara County Aging and Long-Term Care committee, Santa Barbra County AIDS Advisory Committee, Member San Diego County Drug Abuse Technical Advisory Committee, Member Santa Barbara County Drug Abuse Advisory Committee; Seattle Open Door Clinic, Founding Board Member; Member State Advisory Committee on Primary Care Clinics Member; Southern California Council of Free Clinics, Past VP.


PUBLICATIONS:  Dr. Bearman has contributed articles on public health in the following publications:  New Physician, Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, Harvard Business Review, Coastlines, Journal of Social Issues, American Journal of Pain Management, San Diego Medical Society Magazine, Santa Barbara Medical Society Bulletin, California Physician, Seattle Helix, Daily Nexus, Santa Barbara News Press, Western Goleta Free Press, Isla Vista Town Crier, Santa Barbara Regional Health Authority  Members Newsletter and Provider Newsletter.



Counter Culture Conference (1972)

Parenting and Drug Abuse (9180)

PCCHA (1982)

Patients Out of Time (2006) Co-Coordinator