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Demons, Discrimination
and Dollars
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Dr. Bearman
Dr. David Bearman's new book, Demons, Discrimination, and Dollars, was first published in March, 2006,
(revised edition August 2007) and is now available. The book offers a treatment of the history of drug policy in the United States as seen in the light of cultural,
political, and economic developments from before the founding of our country down to the present time.
Chapters include Introduction to a Witch Hunt;
Tobacco, Slavery, Triangular Trade; Hemp;
Patent Medicine and the Pure Food and Drug Act; Prohibition;
Cannabis Becomes Marijuana; Memorable Quotes Regarding Marijuana;
The Sixties and the Culture War, and many others.
"This monograph is an effort to explain, as best I can, why as a people, as a government, we in the United States
did not follow the road of the Shamans, or for that matter of pre-1875 Americans, or conclude, as Andrew Weil and Norman Taylor have,
that altered states are important to mental health."--from the Foreward.
Dr. Bearman's book will soon be marketed through or other large online vendor.
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